In order to provide you with the best possible service, Uvanegra may have to collect some of your personal information. You may choose not to provide such information, however, if you choose not providing us with the necessary information we need to process your order, or any other information required by law, we may not be able to provide you with the service or goods requested.
Information collected
Uvanegra will collect some personal information like name, address, phone/mobile phone, email address and credit card details. According to privacy law, we are required to collect your personal information directly from you, and only from, if it’s reasonable and practical to do so.
For purchases including liquor, it is required by law you provide your age, so we can ensure no liquor is sold to a person under 18 years of age. Failure in providing this information will result in no alcoholic drinks to be sold.
Usage and storage of personal data collected
All personal information collected by Uvanegra will be used to process client’s orders or to fulfil any legal requirements. Uvanegra, will take all possible measures to ensure your personal data is protected from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration. Once the information collected is no longer required, we will take all possible measures to destroy or delete it. The type of measures taken will vary according to the type of information collected and stored.
Uvanegra may also use your personal information to provide you with some addition information about new products, a new shipment arriving or our weekly specials. You reserve the right to refuse to receive any such additional information, by telling us you do not wish to be sent any additional information.
Uvanegra does not share any personal information collected with third parties.